I do wish they would leave out the 'Drifting' all together though tbh. (not to mention the cockpit cam, which I LIKE very much).Im goign to race online tonight after work.cant wait! It caters so well for someone like me who’s a casual racer at best, and it doesn’t take a genius to see how its interface and design has been engineered for petrolhead veterans craving a challenge. The only setting Ive had to tweak back and forth was the 'Linearity'.I havent found it easy to hold a straight line.which is realistic I suppose.in real life the dirvers cant just hold the wheel straight down the straights.Īnway.my settings arent far off.I can see the improvement already over Grid 2, especially the more realisitic handling.the 'sliding is faster' was FUN in Grid 2.but no good for those of us that lean more to simulation than arcade. The Nintendo Switch may not be riddled with racing simulators, but GRID Autosport has set the benchmark. Strange thing.no 'Force Feedback' setting.just 'Vibration'?.not sure what up there, but it still feels just fine. Im familiar with CM wheel setting so I got them right just about, before even playing. Well i loved Autosport almost immediately with a wheel.

Just wondering, since I couldnt find any discussion about the relative merits of control devices.and i dont want to get all my rig out if Im just going to put it away again soon after realising its so similar to Grid 2 ! (btw, if Im using the wheel, Im a 'zero assists', max realism/Ai Difficulty type player.being a glutton for punishment : D I hear this game has settings for assists, unlike the 'one size fits all' thing in Grid 2) Or is it bettter with controller like I found with Grid 2? So what have you guys found.is this one better with the wheel? Is the feedback any better than Grid 2.more akin to the F1 games perhaps? Now Ive been playing the CM games since TOCA etc, and I love them.I even liked Grid 2.BUT I only liked it when my wheel broke one day, and I gave it a try using an x360 controller.I found the game MUCH more enjoyable (and with more effective control/faster laps) using this, instead of dealing with the poor FF and crazy over steer-centric handling model in Grid 2 with a steering wheel. Admittedly, its gorgeous graphics and jazzy orchestrated soundtrack bolster its presentation, but you’re getting a lot more than just looks with this one – although I spent an awful lot of time gawking at the details in slow-motion, the fast and furious pace of racing with friends both locally and online is what really kept me coming back.Got the game a week or so back and intending to session it tonight after work. It strikes a careful balance between refining old ideas while introducing fresh new ones. Mario Kart 8 Reviewed on May 15 Mario Kart 8 is the best kart racing game Nintendo has made in a long time. The spirit of the classic TOCA games is finally back.At the very least, maybe it’ll finally teach the rest of the world what a ute is. It falls a bit short in the visual stakes compared to the hotter, new generation completion, but few developers get pack racing right like Grid Autosport does. Grid Autosport promised proper motor racing, and that’s exactly what it delivers (and plenty of it, to boot). Grid Autosport Reviewed on June 24 For the first time in years, Grid Autosport feels like a Codemasters racing game built to appeal to long-time Codemasters racing fans. Forza Horizon 2 capitalized on everything its predecessor established, built on it, and set a new standard for open-world racers. Traveling and racing through these countries was even more fun with the the day and night cycles and addition of dynamic weather. As an open-world racer, Forza Horizon 2 gave us the opportunity to explore a beautifully designed Italy and France - sometimes that exploration included plowing through a field of flowers to reach a Barn Find. Forza Horizon 2 Reviewed on September 25 Forza Horizon 2 has sleek, shiny cars, great sound design, and top-notch tracks, but what sets it apart from the other racing games in 2014 is the hundreds of fun events, activities, and awesome off-road racing. These games all crossed the finish line ahead of their competitors, and with a little extra panache. There’s certainly more than one way to make your way around a circuit, or from point A to B, but if it’s about getting where you’re going quicker than the other guy, this is where it belongs. ESRB: Everyone Publisher: Codemasters Developer: Codemasters