
720p resident evil 2 backgrounds
720p resident evil 2 backgrounds

Forza Horizon 2 has so much more happening than this game, detail and scale wise. Infamous Second Son is massive, looks better, and hits 45-60 frames in some places. Xbox One has had games far more demanding as well and it still had frame dips here. They did a bad job optimizing it all around. There are closed corridors everywhere too, so it isn't rendering much at a time either. Son, I own this game and i'm telling you that Resident Evil 5 and 6 look better than this. Assuming this game really was CPU intensive, the frame difference is massive which it shouldn't be.


When an undemanding game can't hold a steady 60fps on both PS4 and Xbox One, you have a problem.

720p resident evil 2 backgrounds

I don't care about that Microsoft paid them nonsense, it's just a fact that the optimization is half hearted. Poor optimization can make even the strongest hardware look weak. I really think this should be a example that is remembered next time a game performs better on the Ps4 then Xbox One. And everyone just chalked it up to the Xbox One being weak? I wonder how many times the Xbox One versions of multiplat games suffered from poor optimization. Or else you will quickly see more games like Resisdent Evil: Revelations 2 (performance wise) down the road for Ps4.

720p resident evil 2 backgrounds

I suggest the Ps4 community don't go silent like a good amount of the Ps Vita community did when it comes to bad optimization in games. The Ps Vita can handle many games flawlessly, but you would never be able to because so many developers don't properly optimize their games on the Ps Vita To the Ps4 owners complaining, This is what Ps Vita owners have felt like for sometime now.

720p resident evil 2 backgrounds

I hope Capcom didn't do a equally poor job on the Ps3/Ps Vita versions of Resident Evil: Revelations 2. This sounds like a case of bad optimization when it comes to the Ps4 version.

720p resident evil 2 backgrounds